Thursday, November 20, 2008

Tools updated

I had some time today (not really, but I pretended that I did), so I rewrote the tool system the way it should have been done. Gone are arrays of function of pointers, replaced with a Tool class which is the base of the classes TableTool, DeleteTool, and MoveTool. The Table and Delete tools are like the old ones, but the Move tool is new and interesting. It's basically a clone of gmod's physics gun's primary fire. Click and drag to move objects. It is currently possible to use the arrow keys to spin it in the air, but I'm going to make this mouse controlled at some point.

I made another model because I was getting bored with just the tables. At the moment the two objects' collision models and mass distributions are hard coded. One of my next goals is to come up with a simple text format for those two and load them in from files (it's already doing this for the display models). I also need to get trimesh collision models working.

Here's a colorful picture:

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