Friday, August 20, 2010


Today the engine has Parts, which are a collection of mass, collision solids, and visual models. Parts can be initialized from a simple text format:
Part {
version 1
mass Sphere { radius 0.5 density 100 }
solid Sphere { radius 0.5 material wood }
model Model { file media/test/sphere.model }

It's a sphere!

Here's a more interesting example:
Part {
version 1
mass Sum {
Box { size 1 1 1 density 100 }
Xform { Sphere { radius 0.5 density 100 } pos 1 0 0 }
Xform { Sphere { radius 0.5 density 100 } pos -1 0 0 }
Xform { Sphere { radius 0.5 density 100 } pos 0 1 0 }
Xform { Sphere { radius 0.5 density 100 } pos 0 -1 0 }
Xform { Sphere { radius 0.5 density 100 } pos 0 0 1 }
Xform { Sphere { radius 0.5 density 100 } pos 0 0 -1 }
solid Box { size 1 1 1 material wood }
solid Sphere { radius 0.5 material wood pos 1 0 0 }
solid Sphere { radius 0.5 material wood pos -1 0 0 }
solid Sphere { radius 0.5 material wood pos 0 1 0 }
solid Sphere { radius 0.5 material wood pos 0 -1 0 }
solid Sphere { radius 0.5 material wood pos 0 0 1 }
solid Sphere { radius 0.5 material wood pos 0 0 -1 }
model Model { file media/test/crate.model }
model Model { file media/test/sphere.model pos 1 0 0 }
model Model { file media/test/sphere.model pos -1 0 0 }
model Model { file media/test/sphere.model pos 0 1 0 }
model Model { file media/test/sphere.model pos 0 -1 0 }
model Model { file media/test/sphere.model pos 0 0 1 }
model Model { file media/test/sphere.model pos 0 0 -1 }

It's a whatever!

Now I'll see if I can advance the GUI system enough to give me a part palette.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Project Mod SVN 41

Activity! I produces it!

Tonight's code is a quick addition to the FPSPlayer class. It's a tool switcher that is fed the player's input and hooks into the player's drawHUD() method. The UI isn't the prettiest, but it's a concrete enhancement and it works.

Friday, June 18, 2010

FPS player, move tool, and bomb tool

It's been a while since the last post, so let's post! Motivation is always an issue.

Revision 39 from way back in April brought the the things I have to show off today. First, there is a partially implemented FPS-style player controller. WSAD moves and the mouse looks around. There is a system for swappable tools (though no swapping GUI at the moment) featuring a move tool (like Garry's Mod's physgun) and a bomb tool (to apply inverse-square-with-distance forces in an area).

The move tool in action, rearranging an orderly stack of boxes into a disorderly non-stack of boxes.

The move tool abusing a car's suspension.

The bomb tool, just after detonation.

The bomb tool, a bit longer after detonation.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Not dead

Today I implemented PNG screenshots, and will no longer appear to be dead. Here is the car player I've been putting time into, modeled on a 2001 Pontiac Sunfire. Except for the being composed of two planes thing.

I'm going to start using Google Code's bug tracker to set goals. Following the screenshotter, the current enhancement is the addition of an FPS-style player. Completing that should bring the level of user-visible functionality up to where mod (mod1, as in not mod2 or mod3) was before I decided to abandon it and rewrite the project twice.