Saturday, November 29, 2008

ODE auto-disable and a Windows build

I got two things working today: ODE's auto-disable feature and a Windows build.

Auto-disable is great for performance when there are lots of objects just laying around doing nothing. Stacked objects tend to stay enabled just because they're wiggling slightly (worsened by my coarse 10 ms steps), but a once orderly stack strewn across the ground will usually be completely disabled within seconds.

The Windows build was the really hard part. I have Windows XP running in a VirtualBox VM (my host OS is Ubuntu). Installing MinGW and MSYS was easy enough, but I had to manually download and compile eleven source packages (including an updated GNU make) to get my code to compile and link. It doesn't help that the GL libraries have different names (opengl32 and glu32 vs. gl and glu), and that you need different complier switches to make everything happy. In the end, I got freetype, GLEW, libjpeg, libpng, ODE, SDL, SDL_image, SDL_ttf, libtiff, and zlib to configure, build, and install! The result is a monstrous 9.4 MB statically linked executable that should only depend on opengl32.dll, glu32.dll, and a few windows DLLs for the underlying SDL implementation.

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